MacAClock or BWMacAClock is a regular program that displays an analog clock on a screen. It displays the current time, day and date. You can assign individual colors to different parts of the clock.
• Features •
-- Selectable text font, size, and style;
-- Resizable clock window (up to 1024 x 1024 pixels);
-- Include leading zeroes, centuries in date display;
-- Abbreviate day display;
-- Play tick sound;
-- Customizable second hand apprearance (straight line or dot);
-- Autosave when quitting (if this option is checked);
-- User renamable window title;
-- Display an alarm message (up tp 255 characters);
The regular grow icon (size box) is not showed. But if you click on this region (just like other Macintosh resizable windows) you should be able to resize the window.
• Note •
MacAClock and BWMacAClock are intended for Multifinder users. If you use these programs under regular Finder, the programs may work as long as you don't set off an alarm.
MacAClock and BWMacAClock are best if they are run as background programs under Multifinder. If the programs are active (foreground) and you have selected alarm options:
1). ◊, no sound -> the programs will beep once; with sound -> the programs play the sound once;
2). ◊ & small icon, no sound -> the programs will beep once; with sound -> the programs play the sound once;
3). ◊, small icon, and alert -> the programs will show a modal dialog with a message. You must dismiss this dialog before you can continue. Background programs will not be affected by this event.
Configurations/options are NOT saved until you quit MacAClock or BWMacAClock.
• How to remove a notification •
A notification can be dismissed by making MacAClock or BWMacAClock active. You can select the program from the Apple menu or application menu (7.0). The alarm remains in effect and will go off the next day (if not turned off).
• Why two versions? •
From now on MacAClock 1.0.1 is split into two versions :
* MacAClock- colors limited by video card, requires Color QuickDraw,
* BWMacAClock - display eight colors.
BWMacAClock is intended for a user who has a black/white monitor or a color monitor but it displays only eight colors. MacAClock is intended for a user who uses Color QuickDraw.
Color QuickDraw is part of System 7.0. For System 6.0.5 (and up) users, you need to have the latest Color QuickDraw system file to run MacAClock. Color QuickDraw is a product by Apple Computer, Inc.
• Distribution •
As always, MacAClock and BWMacAClock are free to use. You can freely distribute the programs as long as it is not for profit/commercial purposes and this document "ReadMe.MacAClock" accompanies the distribution. You have no right to modify/alter MacAClock, BWMacAClock or this document in any way for any reason.
••••• WARNING ! •••••
• Credits (in no particular order) •
MacAClock and BWMacAClock are based on the sample Clock DA that comes with Turbo Pascal (by Borland International). I ported the DA, added color and an alarm feature so it could work as a regular program under MultiFinder. I don't know the original author. So the author should receive a credit.
Pop-up menu routine is written by Michael S. Engber.
Some dialog routines are written by J. B. Parrett.
Special thanks to the Computer Store of Corvallis, Oregon for allowing me to debug/test the programs using their in-store computers, and to MacAClock/BWMacAClock users who sent me comments.
• Potential problems •
On certain Macintosh computers (plain 512KE, Plus, SE, Classic) the second hand looks "jerky" and tick sound may not be properly played due to slow CPU speed. Just turn off the option of playing the tick sound.
Computers couldn't be shutdown if an alarm/notification has been posted and is waiting to be removed. This can be a problem if you automate a shutdown sequence (using program like Quickeys or Tempo).
• History •
Version 2.0 -> 2.1
Alarm note wasn't properly displayed (fixed in 2.1). Window size is increased to 1024 x 1024 pixels. Allow users to change clock window title. Provide autosave when the clock programs are terminated. 2.1 now finds the right "Preferences" folder.
Version 1.0.1 -> 2.0
Improved the user interface. Support font, size, style selection, and software localization. Split 1.0.1 into two versions - color version (requires Color QuickDraw) and black/white version (displays eight colors).
Version 1.0 -> 1.0.1
Fixed: crashing on MacPlus or SE.
• Wish List •
- Display patterns as part of clock background,
- Resizable pen,
- be able to remove an unattended alarm after a period of time.
• Comment •
If you use MacAClock or BWMacAClock and like it, don't forget to send me a postcard. If you have any comment on how to improve the program or if you find any "unexplainable special effect" (or bug - arrgh!), please send/email comment to :
Zikif Hamdy
US Mail : P.O. Box 782, Corvallis, OR 97339-0782
Internet :
AOL : ZikifH
Please don't forget to include information about your INITs, CDEVs, system version, etc (info that you think may help in tracking down the problems) you are using.